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19 février 2025

The English Topic

40 sujets de 121 à 160 (sur un total de 311)
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  • #308600

    🙁 Oh well, I tried!! Aparently they won’t accept my australian birth certificate if it’s not translated into french by the french consulate over there in Oz and certified. Grrr, bloody hell, it’s always worked for my carte de resident.

    So anyway, of course couldn’t give me another date until end of June, so all the other papers will be out of whack and not recent enough, so just because the dopes are too lazy to read english I have to practically re start everything all over again.

    Christ, is this really worth it all?? 👿

    Lei lu

    Oh well…no matter where you’re from or where you wanna settle there’s always a bloody annoying paper, form, translation that’s missing…just have to be patient.

    Good luck you’ll be a frenchie soon!

    Anyway thats cool to find some people to speak english with! I was starting to feel a bit nostalgic since I’ve been back from Downunder…


    🙂 Well, you know what they say. « practice makes perfect ». To not forget a language you’ve gotta keep at it at least once a day. Or at least watch your DVD’s in english.
    My husband finds watching DVD’s in english with English subtitles helps him alot, the sound part that he doesn’t sometimes pick up on can then be read and he understands the film perfectly that way.

    Yeh, I know about the papers bit. I shouldn’t really winge, what am I going to think of all the papers I’m going to have to do when trying to get a DeFacto Visa with my partner!!

    😛 At least she didn’t ask for the words of the Marseilleuse, I quite often mouth bits of them at rugby matches but don’t really know the words. Stuff about the revolution I think. I really must get onto google and learn those damm words. I know the OZ and Kiwi ones of by heart but not the french national anthem.


    Here is a good one for you tadpole:
    in french and in english… 😆


    wôw I had no idea of the last 6 verses of this hymn.

    tadpole wrote:
    Cool Kate, you have a bed and breakfast.

    I know an ozzie girl over here that has opened a b and b as well in the Puy du dome area called « chez l’australienne ». All her rooms are named after oz animals like the koala room, the emu room.

    She cooks ozzie like meals etc. I read her « livre d’or » and people are very satified with her b and b. Good on her. Its tough work isn’t it??

    Hi Tadpole, in fact I’ve a good friend on this forum who’s actually stayed at « Chez L’australienne » and said it was really great, and he loved the themed rooms.
    For myself, I don’t find running a B & B tough work at all, but rather a joy (but then I’ve only been running it for a year so far and I only have 3 beds to take care of, so don’t spend all my time washing and ironing sheets 😆 )
    Another short cut: I don’t usually cook breakfasts, preferring to spend the time showing guests around my town, and have relaxed BBQs together in the evenings instead.
    In the summer I only try to encourage internationals, so it’s always a bit of a cultural exchange as well, and with just internationals, I’m not busy every single week, so still have plenty of time for myself and the French websites 😀

    Sorry to hear that your interview wasn’t completely successful.

    Kate, just back from Sydney.


    Hello !

    I’m back !

    What’s going on here ?


    There you go. Look at that, I dont come on for a few days and here is the english topic sitting way down at the bottom of the list. 🙁

    How are you all??

    Wow,, funny Kate you knowing someone who knows someone who stayed in that B and B. Once again the use of the phrase « its a small world » is never better used. 😛

    Anyway, ive been busy searching for decorative stuff for my house to go with my new lounge so ive been busy off doing the shops etc the last few days and haven’t had time to come on here on any of the other forums im subscribed to.

    Kate, are you also on a forum called french downunder or something like that?? Ive seen a Kate on there and been reading the posts and im pretty sure its you!! 😮

    How was the skiing oz boy? Nothing broken I hope? You didnt cause any avalanches did you?? 😛

    tadpole wrote:
    Kate, are you also on a forum called french downunder or something like that?? Ive seen a Kate on there and been reading the posts and im pretty sure its you!! 😮

    actullay, I’m sure there’s a few more members at FDU you’ve already met around here… 😉


    😀 Waaaas Coooool but I went back sick 😡

    I skied on switzerland’s slopes . I’ve had a speed’s record there with my group for the fastest downhill ^^ So fast that I’ve had a earache .

    tadpole wrote:
    There you go. Look at that, I dont come on for a few days and here is the english topic sitting way down at the bottom of the list. 🙁

    Kate, are you also on a forum called french downunder or something like that?? Ive seen a Kate on there and been reading the posts and im pretty sure its you!! 😮

    Oops, my fault too. I’ve forgotten about this topic this week…. though I have been going over an idea for it…
    Like starting a sub topic called « paroles des chansons typiques d’oz » featuring the words of famous Aussie songs with typical Aussie language in them, as a bit of a conversation point on this part of the forum to learn new vocabulary through music….what do you think? Not just Waltzing Matilda & all that, but modern rock songs etc. too.

    Yes, I’m on Francedownunder.com too….that’s where I began this ‘little addiction’ before coming to Australia-Australie 😆



    Your idea sounds cool Kate.

    Good luck for it ! 🙂


    PS: Je suis tombé sur un post de toi sur FDU remontant a octobre 2003 , ton français était … horrible 😕 😆


    Oz Boy, I won’t ask you if my posts are still horrible 😆 but I think my French has really improved on this site, where few people speak good English (always good practice!)

    I’ve stumbled across a few of my ancient FDU posts myself…. was a bit shocked 😮





    Dont you already have a song topic on the other site Kate? I think you helped me out with a catch up of my walzting matilda words 😀

    Sorry about your ear oz boy. If you’re so good why were you not in the olymics?? 😛


    Yes Tadpole, I already had a similar post on the other site, but I think it might be more useful here. Here goes, anyway. Will wait and see what people think before adding too many more songs. I guess I could take requests too, 😉 if people have an Aussie song they don’t understand….

    Link to the post:



    🙁 Well where the hell has everybody been?? I know I havent been on for about a week, but still I would have thought that OZ Boy would have written a little something.

    Anyway, been pretty busy doing stuff around the house. Still havent gotten up off my backside to try and get my birth certificate translated into french. I really must ring up and ask how etc ..

    How you all been? You getting back into the working rythem oz boy after your ski trip? Hows it going in Ballarat Kate? Im pretty sure ive been to Ballarat a few times, we used to live in Blackburn and Doncaster East in the Melbourne area before moving to NZ.

    Anyway, im glad ive done my bit to put the english topic back up to the top cause I had to go to page 2 to find it and thats just a damm shame.



    still alive, busier than ever.

    I’m changing jobs. I’ve also started an online business and a few more things. Not much time for the forum right now. But I’ll be back 😉


    I’m still around too but busy too .

    Yep I went back to the working rythem ^^


    Hey oz boy, how long are you going to oz for and where are you going?

    Effisk, changing jobs eh? Good luck, hope you are getting better pay. I knew you would be back in this topic as soon as started posting without the proper punctuation!! 😆

    tadpole wrote:
    Hows it going in Ballarat Kate? Im pretty sure ive been to Ballarat a few times, we used to live in Blackburn and Doncaster East in the Melbourne area before moving to NZ.

    Salut Tadpole, I’m back, after a busy week spent in the garden before it gets completely out of control 🙁
    We’ve got friends living in Doncaster, near Doncaster Shopping Town.
    Ballarat’s going well, thanks.
    We’ve got some preliminary basketball matches happening here for the Commonwealth Games and one of the city centre streets has been turned into a ‘Live Site’ with free entertainment & activities & a big screen, and stuff like free rock concerts & other music too…..like one of my favorite Oz bands, Killing Heidi, performing next Tuesday….can’t wait!



    I’ll be there for a month , I’ve got a host family there . I’ll have english lessons there and I think I’ll make a lot of activity with my H.family ç^ 🙂


    Oh Kate, your sooo lucky getting all the coverage of the Games!! Of course, nothing over here in France though I am lucky having a satellite where I can get all the English channels, BBC etc. So I do get a wee bit of coverage, but mostly at night of course with the time difference.

    It looks like the ozzies are doing the best in the medals table! 🙂

    Without being biased, didnt you think that the opening ceremony of the Sydney 2000 Olympics was the most beautiful one you have ever seen? Ive still got it on tape and love watching it, especially with all the tap dancers on the metal sheets, an amazing sound.

    uh oh, getting nostalgique, gonna make myself home sick, again.

    Erick Laydet

    Hi mates !!!
    Nice topic indeed. English lessons given by an ozy boy and the most frenchy ozy girl I have met. I think it is a pretty good idea. I’m going to practice more before coming back. Don’t want to be ridiculous 🙂

    Ciao Ciao ( oooooops that’s not english )


    🙂 Well your english sounds pretty good already mate!

    We will forgive you for your ciao seeing as it was followed by ‘oops’ a very english word. 😛


    🙂 Ive been pretty busy this week. Am selling our house to buy one just down the road but bigger. If we want three kids we are going to need 4 bedrooms. Have spent all week putting ads on the net etc.

    Not much going on here on the site, except for everyone worrying about the cyclone I guess.


    Coucou Erick,

    Your English could never be ridiculous…..and as for your accent, it’s the nicest mix of Aussie/French accent I’ve ever heard.

    See you soon in France mate.

    Tadpole, good luck with the new house.

    Went to see Killing Heidi live in their free concert today as part of the Commonwealth Games celebrations….they’re a brilliant Aussie band if anybody gets a chance to hear one of their albums.



    Kate09 , do you need help to your songs projekt ?


    Sure Oz Boy, if you’d like to help. Can you think of any famous Aussie song you’d like the words to, and I’ll try to find them.

    What are you doing for the weekend?

    I’ve got 2 Frenchies coming to visit (d’A-A.com 😀 ) and maybe we’ll have a bit of a petanque game & BBQ at a nearby lake on Sunday.



    This week end … Basket with friends … I’ve got a Zola of 300 pages to read ( aint started ) … A document about the  » time’s story » to do … Shoppin ( Have to eat eh 🙂 ) ( Is  » shopping  » the right work for it ? ) … Revisions for my tests of the week … Another basket with friends 🙂 … And etc …

    Where did you meet these 2 frienchies ?


    Hi OzBoy
    …basket = basketball?
    And what’s a Zola (some kind of novel??)
    Shopping…. used by itself, more for clothes & stuff, but if you write « shopping for food » the meaning is clearer.

    I met the 2 Frenchies at one of our last website rdv’s in Melbourne.
    We had a great BBQ at the lake in the sun, played petanque….and I won 🙂

    Hope your weekend was good, and you too Tadpole and everybody else reading.



    Actually I worked almost 48 hours in the whole week end , now work’s over I can relax 😆

    Never had a week end with so much work , it’s insane . 😡


    I had the most wonderful weekend!! My husband woke me up Friday and said pack a bag my parents are coming to take the kids and im taking you away to Budapest for the weekend for your birthday!! 😮 I was sooo surprised!!
    A lovely weekend just the two of us, sauna and massages. First night out, Friday, we go to a typical hungarian restaurant, absolutley delicious. Who sits down at the table next to us?? Two ozzie gals!! So nice to talk to other ozzies!! What a small world. One lives in London, the other in Ireland, they were there for work.

    Anyway, still selling house. Very busy with visits and agents etc. Dont see the days go by at all!

    Big kissies to all! 😀


    I had a very wild weekend. It’s a good change from Paris though.



    😮 Where were you effisk?, Biarritz?? hossegor?? I went on holidays to hossegor about 7 years ago and saw Kelly Slater surf and up close. (yummy!!)

    tadpole wrote:
    😮 Where were you effisk?, Biarritz?? hossegor??

    nope. I was home. Brittany. It’s the best place for windsurfing and kitesurfing. The Landes and Basque country are good for surfing (only).


    🙂 A good place for windsurfing is also New Zealand. My dad used to windsurf with our little fox terrier sitting on the back of the board. A classic photo!! 😆


    I believe WA is the best place for windsurfing. Better than NZ. It has got some real good spots along the coast. Margaret River, Gnaraloo, Lancelin…

    But then I haven’t been to NZ.


    Well there you go! ….. 😛 NZ is extremely windy!! 😮

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