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18 février 2025

The English Topic

40 sujets de 201 à 240 (sur un total de 311)
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  • #308680

    Hi & welcome Heidi, – if you’re looking for a place in France to speak English, I reckon the Dordogne is the place, not too far away. Seems to be a lot of English ex pats living there (we were at Les Eyzies, so pretty)

    Hi Tadpole & the others too.

    You’re right Tadpole, this column needs a little livening up to make it a bit more active….maybe interactive.

    What if we have a space here for sharing aussie slang in some posts? I *reckon* there should be a few people interested in taking part in that, after all, they will surely need it in Oz.

    eg: Lecon 1: tres utile. « I reckon » = je pense/je crois.


    Kate! What a *bonza* idea!!!

    Lesson 2 ; bonza = great/good/excellent

    Heidi, im not very keen on England. You wanna change houses, you come up here and me go to toulouse?? 😆


    For those ‘homesick’ for Australia, you can now also watch a great little Aussie humour tv show on podcast: « Chaser declares war on everything »

    Download from their site:

    Really worth a watch! A *dinkum* aussie show.

    *Dinkum* = real, true, authentic or genuine Aussie thing



    yesterday, seemed like the last day of nice weather for us so we had our last barbie* and some yummy spicey bangers*.

    *Barbie = bbq
    *Bangers = sausages

    no more till next year now i guess 🙁


    Why is my beloved english topic way away on page three???
    Oz boy, whatcha doing?? Kate, where are you??

    Anyway, we are off to ireland tomorrow for two weeks for some r and r and some beer of course.
    See yous!


    My favourite aussie slang… (yeah yeah it is slang, it’s become part of Australian references now, so just for the sake of this topic let’s say it’s slang)

    ‘Do you want a glass of Cardonnay ? It’ French the H is silent ! ! ! :boire

    Long live kath and Kim!


    *Good one, Angalo.

    For those who don’t know Kath and Kim the ABC tv programme, their kind of Aussie humour is made mostly from a stereotyped image/behaviour of Australians (like in the 1970s), the actors bad dress sense and deliberate errors to form their own kind of slang, and in the case of their website, deliberate misspellings too.

    I’ve a new idea for this forum to maybe animate it a little bit more… maybe it needs some photos… so soon I’ll be posting a few in a series of « typical & weird things in Australia » (funny road signs, unusual sights, etc) and others can submit theirs too if they want.

    Happy Holidays to Tadpole (who’s probably just left)

    * Good one = qqc comme « bonne blague » ou « bien joue »


    Hey !

    How you guyz doin ?

    Tadpole > Well I’m good but school … 😛

    I’m not coming a lot since I got back from Oz cuz I know I’ve to wait much time to see it again .

    But I’ll try to keep this topic in the first page as long as I can .

    Gimme news


    Hi guys!! Oz boy, welcome back to the rain!!

    Ireland was grand!! Georgeous. Did heaps of horse riding on the typical irish cobs (so much I got skin off my arse in fact!!). Stayed in some neat bed and breakfasts, ate alot, drank a fair bit. Its really good having everything non smoking, permitted us to eat in the pubs with the kids.

    Back to the ole routine now here in France. Good to see people are still posting on this topic.

    Ordered myself a couple of fast forward dvds off the ozzie ebay and also the man from snowey river (which will make me cry again… )

    Am trying to save up to go to Oz next christmas but cant seem to be able to save money, keep spending it on other hols and clothes etc.

    Oh, and most importantly, dunno if ive already asked this but does anyone over here have any contacts to get tickets for the rugby world cup next year. Ive looked and all the ozzie matches are out of the paris region like down in lyon or marseille but id love to go to any match in particular, even ireland/italie it doesnt matter really, id just love to go to a world cup match at the stade de france.

    Anyway, keep in touch folks.


    Hi Oz Boy, welcome back!

    Welcome back too Tadpole, glad you had a great holiday. Ireland sounds great.

    Here the spring is really starting to warm up, bright and blue and sunny and we should have 30 deg C in Melbourne tomorrow!



    oh god, 30 deg, le reve!!!!

    missing the heat very much so. 🙁

    Kate09 wrote:
    Here the spring is really starting to warm up, bright and blue and sunny and we should have 30 deg C in Melbourne tomorrow!Kate

    And this is spring … !!! 🙁 (freezing out there)


    How is everyone? Certainly is quiet here in the english topic!!

    Looks like your gonna have a really really hot summer in Oz this year and fires perhaps worse than Ash Wednesday. So please be careful with your cigarette butts out there in the bush! 😀


    Hi there, I was on the chat today, just out of curiosity, and i have found a new commer for this topic 🙂
    Kusjeee is from the Netherlands, so she can only be on the english topic as everything else is in French, but she is very interested in knowing more about Oz!
    Hope she will get a nice welcome here!

    Kate09 enjoy the heat!! Here it is changing a little bit, we are getting big jackets out!
    Take care all of you


    I think she could ask kykyboss about things .. he got dutch roots and a nice guy 😀


    She is not old enough for kykyboss 👿 tsss


    Hi Tadpole, Hi Buell & everybody.

    Yep, enjoying the sunshine and warm weather here 🙂
    Off to the beach tomorrow at Geelong if the weather holds..


    Buell wrote:
    She is not old enough for kykyboss 👿 tsss

    What do you mean not old enough for Kykyboss, you give a such bad reputation 😛

    im a angel :conscience

    kykyboss wrote:
    Buell wrote:
    She is not old enough for kykyboss 👿 tsss

    What do you mean not old enough for Kykyboss, you give a such bad reputation 😛

    im a angel :conscience

    It’s a joke my friend ? 😆

    Kate09 wrote:
    Off to the beach tomorrow at Geelong if the weather holds..

    So did the weather hold????
    That would be sthg really strange for Melboune’s neighborhood!! 😛

    Hope you had a good time Kate! 😉

    PS: it is still 24 degres here 😮 that is also very surpising (but nice!!) as a few years ago there was -4degres on a 4 of november in burgundy (less, much less nice!!).. so we will see also if the weather holds!!

    PS2: For all those in France.. THINK ABOUT CHANGING THE TIME ON YOUR WATCH THIS WEEKEND by the way.. 🙂


    one more hour sleeping. good news.


    Hi all!!

    Kykyboss, PLEASE!! who are you kidding, you have made your own reputation on this site with your how to pick up chicks/where to pick up chicks carnet de bord with photos included so please dont play the shocked virgin 😆 😆 and I dont personally think that anyone is too young for you not to at least try!! 😛

    Effisk, how was your hours sleep??

    Good to see there are a few more participants on the english part. Good for you Buell meeting someone else who speaks english, I saw that you were looking for someone to talk to and practice.

    Kate, lucky you with the weather, aparently we will have nice weather until tuesday then from November on back to the typical seasonal cold weather. Gotta go get out coats/hats and gloves etc from the garage again. and away with the t shirts for another 8 or 9 months.


    Hi Tadpole, Hi Buell, hi all.

    My trip to the beach wasn’t lucky…. the only time it really rained this month, and on the day I was in Geelong…. too cold to go near the water, so we just shopped instead.

    But now it’s warmed up again and back to t-shirts 🙂

    However, we’ve also got in my area now the strictest water restrictions in 100 years… no waterig of the garden at all, no washing the car (except the windows) and that’s it. So everybody is recycling their shower water to try and keep gardens alive.


    Kate09 wrote:
    However, we’ve also got in my area now the strictest water restrictions in 100 years… no waterig of the garden at all, no washing the car (except the windows) and that’s it. So everybody is recycling their shower water to try and keep gardens alive.

    I remember 2003. It was a dry year (although I always complained about the weather). Now what we see here is preoccupying.


    tadpole wrote:
    Hi all!!

    Kykyboss, PLEASE!! who are you kidding, you have made your own reputation on this site with your how to pick up chicks/where to pick up chicks carnet de bord with photos included so please dont play the shocked virgin 😆 😆 and I dont personally think that anyone is too young for you not to at least try!! 😛

    come on, is not a pick up chicks guide, 😛
    is a  »How to speed relationship »

    and i your last sentence ( I dont personally think that anyone is too young for you not to at least try!! 😛 )

    that remind me the BOB philosophie
    try everyting keep the best !!!


    Hey guys, lets make this clear… she’s 14!!! (need to be above 13 to register yourself on AA).

    Actually I think she got scared.. she still hasn’t posted anything 🙁

    Don’t worry for me Tadpole: I speak English everyday 🙂 remember I am also an Australian citizen 😉
    I hope you get a chance also to speak English here in France, it ain’t that easy to find people interested in it, it is more like : « waow?? speaking english?? are you nuts?? » lol
    Haha, that reminds me of a stupid but funny video 😆 (click on the picture)

    Speak English?

    Watch Video

    Kate, sorry to say 😀 lol, but I had in mind it might happen like that for your day out at the beach.. that’s Melbourne weather they say 😆 I read now it is better, hope your garden will survive 🙂

    Take care all of you,
    Bye, Buell


    😆 Funny video Buell!!

    what rotten weather eh? Have you all been getting very cold, foggy weather too over here in France??

    I wonder if we will get a white christmas this year? I love it when it snows here in winter. I always used to watch the american christmas movies with thier snow and decorations and used to be sooo envious.


    Hi Tadpole 🙂
    Did you get crap weather in Paris?
    I was in Burgundy this weekend, and it was… ok a bit fresh.. hiver-langue-collee-sur-poteau.gif at night especially (actually it just was TERRIBLE at night froid-brrr-45.gif), but in the afternoon, out of the shade it was really good soleil.gif content-saute.gif really nice in the sun. Not for long ok.. 🙁 but I enjoyed it 🙂

    Where I was, farmers are saying the cold is soon going to leave, and by the end of the week we shall get nice temperatures again, lets see if the wise guys are right 😀

    tadpole wrote:
    I wonder if we will get a white christmas this year? I love it when it snows here in winter.

    snow.gif Are you trying to make Kate envious..? 😉 hahaha 😆 It is true that it’s great to have a white christmas, even though I think it would be nice too to have snow that stays with about.. 25 to 35 degres.. 🙄
    [ok, i’m dreaming again , pfff .. xtriste.gif .. (:lol:!!)]
    Cheers Kate, enjoy the summer0141.gif, I promise I’ll send some pics if we get some snow over here !


    Hi Buell,

    I’d love to see some white Christmas photos…but all the same, I’m happy that our weather is back to warm & sunny again.

    Hey, I think you deserve a « most decorative post of the week » award! It’s an artwork 😀



    hello there,

    what a bad weather in Paris, I can’t bear it ! I’m counting the days in the calendar ! I will arrive in Sydney on the 27th.

    Here, the sun seems to have abandonned us loool, only fog, cold wind but no rain. pffff It makes me wanna sleep all the time. and I’d like to but I’m afraid to become depressive if I sleep too much looooollllllll !!!!!

    well, excuse-me if i make mistakes. my english isn’t as good as yours.

    😛 (and when i speak, it can be worse lol, with a BIG french accent lol)

    Nessscafe wrote:
    well, excuse-me if i make mistakes. my english isn’t as good as yours.

    😛 (and when i speak, it can be worse lol, with a BIG french accent lol)

    Hi Nesscafe,
    Hey, your written English is great.
    Newsflash: BIG French accents are very popular in Oz, really, so don’t worry 😀
    Good luck for your arrival soon in Sydney.


    Yeah Nesscafé, we dont care about mistakes, we only want more people to come onto our english topic.

    Buell, you’re certainly feeling very smiley aren’t you??

    Good idea for the pictures of snow and decorations. We should have a chrissy pic competition for the nicesty christmas photos this year, Kate, even your funny santa in shorts and tongs finshing on a boat cards would do for a laugh too!! 😆 I do miss those chrissy cards with barbequeing reindeers and santa drinking a cool beer on the sleigh. 😆


    hi everybody i know chrismas is very exciting but is the 25 dec not the 7 november we still have time isn t it !!!
    we have just finnish with halloween

    little question do you celebrate the 5 november in australia, i can remenber if i saw a fireworks that days

    see you soon


    If you mean guyfolks day kyky, yes we do celebrate guyfolks day with fire works, bon fires and sometimes burning some made up dude. 😆

    By the way, finally got up the courage to take a look at some of your photos from your trip to Oz (i couldnt look at them all, there are hundreds!!!!) and actaully not too bad, not too many pics of chicks and you have really travelled alot around australia, you’ve probably seen more of it than me and IM australian!! quelle honte! 😕 You really look like you had a great time and that you really love australia and thats what counts. 🙂

    tadpole wrote:
    By the way, finally got up the courage to take a look at some of your photos from your trip to Oz (i couldnt look at them all, there are hundreds!!!!) and actaully not too bad, not too many pics of chicks and you have really travelled alot around australia, you’ve probably seen more of it than me and IM australian!! quelle honte! 😕 You really look like you had a great time and that you really love australia and thats what counts. 🙂

    Thank for that, i really appreciate, what you said, not too many pics of chicks, that true, i didn t when in australia for the chicks, and sometime with my reputation people forget that
    i had dream about australia before my first girl

    and i love australia


    My god!! They have already started putting up christmas decorations in my town over here and I saw on the news yesterday that the « grands magazins » had already done thier christmas windows! We aren’t even mid november. No wonder christmas doesnt feel special anymore, they are pushing it onto us a month early, by the time it comes, im almost sick of chistmas and it used to be my favorite time of year!! 🙁

    kykyboss wrote:
    Thank for that, i really appreciate, what you said, not too many pics of chicks, that true, i didn t when in australia for the chicks, and sometime with my reputation people forget that
    i had dream about australia before my first girl

    and i love australia

    😆 kyky… on t’a déjà fait remarquer que tu faisais moins de fautes en anglais qu’en français ?? 😆
    sacré toi !!! 😆


    Tadpole, yeah, i saw some decorations in my town too ! I find them beautiful, when it’s not too much ! In the supermakets, they already sell x-mas chocolate !!!! will I be able to resist ???? 😆

    but this year, Halloween wasn’t very successful. Even if it’s a Celtic tradition, nowadays it really takes more part in the American tradition. For us, it’s just a commercial thing…

    Well, I will be in Australia for x-mas… I don’t know how it’s gonna be… 🙄

    Go’Oz wrote:
    😆 kyky… on t’a déjà fait remarquer que tu faisais moins de fautes en anglais qu’en français ?? 😆
    sacré toi !!! 😆

    alien-en-bocal.gif YOU BUGGER!!!! firestarter-20060614.gif This is an English Topic!!!!!! Let’s say..cyclops-20060614.gif YOU MADE A TERRIBLE MISTAKE!!! combat-jedi1.gif

    Special Punishment for you Go’Oz!! -> starwars-lol.gif


    Yeah Go Oz!! Come and get your spanking!! :jesors

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