Woofing pour un second WHV?
Le 1er site francophone sur l’Australie, le pays-continent › Forums › Working Holiday Visa › Visa Working Holiday › Woofing pour un second WHV?
- Ce sujet contient 3 réponses, 3 participants et a été mis à jour pour la dernière fois par
gilloz, le il y a 12 années et 9 mois.
17 avril 2012 à 13 h 47 min #7575
MembreJ’ai un pari en cours…
Est-ce que faire du woofing pendant trois mois « in the country » permet l’obtention d’un second WHV ?
Merci de vos réponses17 avril 2012 à 13 h 51 min #94744djphil
oui ca donne droit au 2nd WHV
Quote:Second Working Holiday Visa
This information is correct as at 1st April 2012. Please check http://www.immi.gov.au for up to date information as this does change from time to time. It is the applicants responsibility to ensure they are doing the Specified Work in the correct postcode area for the correct number of hours per day.
If you are planning to apply for A Second Working Holiday Visa, it is advisable to start early on your 3 months of work in Regional Australia, rather than doing it at the end of your first year, as people often end up running out of time and will fail to qualify if they are 1 or 2 days short of the required 3 months. Remember, if you are building up the 3 months at a number of different WWOOF Hosts, or with a mixture of paid work and WWOOFing, to allow for travel time in between hosts as this does not count as days worked.It is the WWOOFers responsibility to bring this form with them to each Host property, the Hosts do not have the forms on hand (and should not be asked to supply it), so ensure you download and print the form BEFORE you visit any Hosts. Click here to go to application form # 1263
To be eligible for a second Working Holiday visa, you must meet a number of general requirements:-
have completed three months (88 days) of Specified work in regional Australia while on your first Working Holiday visa
*be aged between 18 and 30 years (inclusive) at the time of applying
*if applying from outside Australia, be applying no more than 12 months before you intend to travel to Australia
*not have any dependant children
*hold a passport for a country or region participating in the Working Holiday program.
WWOOFing is accepted by DIAC as a suitable activity to qualify for this visa, you must ensure that the Hosts you work for are located within the areas set out by DIAC Go to the DIAC website for more information
17 avril 2012 à 15 h 08 min #94745Xavier-Perth
MembreThanks Djphil… I’ve won my bet !
21 avril 2012 à 7 h 39 min #94746gilloz
MembreJe confirme car mon cousin a obtenu son 2eme WHV par le ‘woofing’, il a fait la boniche chez des gens qui n’ont meme pas de ferme mais qui sont enregistre en tant que ‘woofer’ dans la banlieue de Melbourne.
Pas paye pour s’occuper du jardin, mais bon il a fait un mois et ils ont signe un papier comme quoi il etait reste 3…
no comment. -
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