13.8 C
3 mai 2024

Salut d’une aussie parmi vous…..

  • Ce sujet contient 7 réponses, 4 participants et a été mis à jour pour la dernière fois par cecile, le il y a 19 années.
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  • #73001

    Salut there,
    Ca fait un peu de temps maintenenant que je ‘vis’ sur Australia-Australie, 😀 and I’ve just realized that I haven’t so far introduced myself or given you my ideas of how I came to be online here, which could be helpful to know, I guess, since I don’t see too many other Aussies around here…

    I feel like I have something in common with you guys, since my situation is the reverse to yours: 😆
    Je suis aussi comme une touriste (in my own country, any time I can manage it, and in Europe & elsewhere when I can) & je suis fierte de mon pays…mais…dans mon cas, j’ai tombe d’amoureuse de la france il y a 15 ans, apres j’ai du apprendre le francais a l’ecole….. et la france a une tres speciale partie de ma vie et dans mon coeur, meme si je l’ai visite seulement 3 fois (1991, 1996 et 2000) pour quelques jours chacun.

    I hope to meet & make new French speaking friends & contacts here and if I can help you with your Aussie trips (I’m very good with itineraries 😉
    & give useful tips & advice from what I know as a ‘resident tourist’, then that would make me happy too.
    One of my mottos is that helping a tourist, or having one visit, – is almost as good as going on holidays and being a tourist again myself.

    My particular areas of speciality:
    des vacances Budget – vacances de camping, parcs de caravan, Parcs Nationales, vacances dans la nature, choses ‘hors des sentiers battus’, Aussie animal watching holidays, les aborigenes et leur sites et centres culturelles. J’adore de visite des lieux interessants et souvent peu ordinaire.
    Je suis une specialiste pour Victoria (j’ai visite presque tout), Tasmanie, la sud-est de Sud-Australie, et la sud cote de NSW et sud-outback de NSW, et aussi la Nouvelle Zelande (je suis 1/2 kiwi et j’ai passe des longues vacances merveilleuses la bas pendant mon enfance et plus recemment aussi).

    J’ai beaucoup d’interet dans les gens Aborigenes, et aussi les Maori de NZ et leur culture aussi.




    I plan to go to Australia at the end of the year. If you have advices about places to visit, I’m very interested. In your opinion, what are the best places to discover in autumn ? 😮


    hi , nice to meet u 🙂
    i had to propose to u to spend few moment in the chat room when u have the time and it’s could be possible to .

    i can infer some members could be really enjoy to know u and your sight about australia .

    hope tu see u soon . :cowboy :cowboy

    kuiper25 wrote:
    hi , nice to meet u 🙂
    i had to propose to u to spend few moment in the chat room when u have the time and it’s could be possible to .

    i can infer some members could be really enjoy to know u and your sight about australia .

    hope tu see u soon . :cowboy :cowboy

    Hey Kuiper, merci for mentioning the chat. This site is so big that I had forgotten there IS a chatroom! 😆
    C’est normalement 9-11 am Paris time chaque jour when I’m online (ou sinon le milieu de la nuit en France), so not very useful for chatroom rdv…. sauf pour peut etre ce soir car c’est le weekend…. anyway, je serai dans le chat de 6 – 7 pm (10-11 am Paris time) if anybody wants to come & ask touristique Oz questions.

    Tom, are you thinking of your autumn, notre printemps/septembre pour choses a voir?
    L’Australie est si grand, c’est difficile a savoir ou commencer avec recommendations – si tu pourrais m’envoye plus des info – par exemple, quelle types de landscapes/experiences tu cherches, quelles etats tu voudrais visiter, je pourrais t’aider un peu plus facilement.


    Kate09 wrote:
    Tom, are you thinking of your autumn, notre printemps/septembre pour choses a voir?
    L’Australie est si grand, c’est difficile a savoir ou commencer avec recommendations – si tu pourrais m’envoye plus des info – par exemple, quelle types de landscapes/experiences tu cherches, quelles etats tu voudrais visiter, je pourrais t’aider un peu plus facilement.


    Hello Kate,

    Thank U having answered. I’m thinking of your spring (september/november). I’m going to Australia for one year with a WHV. First, I need to improve my english. So, I want to go in a nice city where people are welcoming.
    Secondly, I want to find a job and to discover the australian beautiful landscapes and the australian culture (aborigens, nature, sport, …).
    In conclusion, I have one year to discover the maximum of australia, to improve my english and to meet interesting people and civilizations …. and I don’t know the best place to begin my trip.


    P.S. : Félicitations pour ton carnet, c’est intéressant d’avoir le point de vue d’australiens.

    Tom wrote:
    I’m going to Australia for one year with a WHV. First, I need to improve my english. So, I want to go in a nice city where people are welcoming.
    Secondly, I want to find a job and to discover the australian beautiful landscapes and the australian culture (aborigens, nature, sport, …).
    In conclusion, I have one year to discover the maximum of australia, to improve my english and to meet interesting people and civilizations …. and I don’t know the best place to begin my trip.
    P.S. : Félicitations pour ton carnet, c’est intéressant d’avoir le point de vue d’australiens.

    Salut Tom, je suis heureuse que tu aimes mon carnet.
    Where to start in Australia? Well, everybody is different, but there’s lots of people heading for Perth and the the climate would be good there in September…..then later when it’s a bit warmer (like, closer to Christmas!) I really recommend Melbourne – lots to do, plenty of festivals, friendly people (several Frenchies I know have remarked that people seem to be more open and friendly in Melbourne than Sydney – which is a great city, but also a very large one, and more stressed (those who only know Sydney wouldn’t know the difference, but it IS there).
    Victoria is a good state because it’s not too huge and you can travel to so many different National Parks, within just 2-3 hours of Melbourne, and really see some different landscapes…
    For aboriginal culture in Victoria, I really recommend the Grampians National Park (1 1/2 hours d’ici). They have an excellent cultural centre there, and soon my city will also have a large one. I can send you some more info in a MP.



    In my introduction, I should also have added here que je ne suis la seule personne ici a Ballarat qui ont un grand obsession pour la France…. tout de mes amis de L’alliance Francaise sont comme ca aussi (depuis quelques annees nous avons eu des rdv’s ensemble chaque mardi soir, pour conversation, diner, du vin etc.)
    Some of the members of my group (most who are quite a bit older than me) make my passion for France & French music look quite ‘tame’ in some ways compared to theirs…
    Par exemple, un de mes amis is obsessed with anything to do with la tour de France, and one of his big dreams is to cycle the south of France next year.
    (There’s also a guy who operates an antique shop just outside my town who’s crazy about la Tour de France aussi, et chaque annee pendant the race, he flies the French flag above his shop for several days)

    Then in our goup there’s Rick, who always wears a beret (wherever he goes), owns a little red 2CV and 2 other Citroens, and now also owns a holiday house in a village (population 100!) in Bourgogne as well, a house which is as old as European history in Australia (i.e., 200 years old – I think he chose the region to ‘live’ according to his favorite wine!)
    When he’s not working madly here to save up to go to France again, and attending our soirees, he’s back in France for 3 weeks at a time, at least 3 times a year (et nous sommes tous jaloux!)
    At least now when we go to France, we’ve got a place we can stay, since he rents the house out to other aussie holiday makers when he’s not there.

    Another member of our group is a French teacher, nous avons un retired school teacher, a wine grower, a lawyer, an artiste and a furniture craftsman, and a Frenchie PhD mathematician student with a Russian girlfriend who doesn’t particularly want to be with other Frenchies, but likes being with us – nous sommes 14.

    Nous jouons la petanque chaque annee dans notre annual petanque tournament which is usually attended by at least 40 people (il y a assez beaucoup de clubs de petanque a Victoria) and we do some other activities like weekend BBQs when there are visiting Frenchies with us.

    So, if you ever pass by our way, you can contact us (i.e., via moi) and we’d be happy to invite you to our one of our mardi pizza restaurant soirees (nous sommes toujours heureux d’entendre les vrai accents francais 😀 )

    Aussi, c’est possible d’avoir un guide de texte de ma ville (Ballarat) – un voyage de 1 h a pied – en francais, avec un petit histoire des immeubles et l’architecture. Il y a un autre guide francais pour visiter la cite en voiture, et un 3ier guide pour visiter le musee d’or de Ballarat (tres interessant).
    Si on plan une visit et on est interesse, – demande au bureau touristique de Ballarat ou les textes sont aussi disponible.



    No problem, I already told my husband where you were and we are hoping to visit Melbourne (and you of course 🙂 ) in the next 2 years…I’ll keep you posted!!!

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