15.2 C
17 juin 2024


3 sujets de 1 à 3 (sur un total de 3)
  • Auteur
  • #89797
    Azar CZ

    bonsoir ,
    J’ai fais ma demande de visa il y a une semaine , et je viens de recevoir un mail « IMMI REQUEST CHECKLIST AND DETAILS « 

    Je n’ai pas très bien compris ce qu’il veulent .

    1. A colour copy of the personal details and identity photo page of your current passport.
    Note: Your European identity card is not a passport. The Identity Card may be used as a form of identification when travelling within the European Union. However, for travel to Australia you must hold a valid passport. Please make sure that you send a copy of your passport and not your European identity card.
    If your passport copy is sent as an email attachment, please ensure the title of the attachment contains English characters only.
    Providing documents
    If you lodged your application online you may log back into your account at any time and attach further documents. Please ensure that all original documents are scanned in high quality and colour.
    Do not send us original documents unless we ask you for them. If you send copies of your documents, ensure that they are certified copies.
    If you provide us with fraudulent documents or claims, this may result in processing delays and possibly your application being refused.
    Translating your documents
    Documents in languages other than English should be accompanied by an English translation. The English translations must be official certified translations from a National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters (NAATI) accredited translator. Translations provided by non-accredited translators outside Australia should be endorsed by the translator with their full name, address, telephone number, and details of their qualifications and experience in the language being translated.
    Certified copies
    For the purposes of the migration legislation, a document is to be certified in writing as a true copy of the original document by:
    if the copy is certified in Australia:
    if the copy is certified outside Australia:

    a person who is the equivalent of a Justice of the Peace or Commissioner for Declarations in that place (for example a public notary); or
    a registered migration agent (whose registration is not suspended or subject to a caution).
    For the purposes of the migration legislation, a document is to be certified in writing as a true copy of the original document by:
    if the copy is certified in Australia:
    ● ● ●

    a Justice of the Peace; or
    a Commissioner for Declarations; or
    a person before whom a statutory declaration may be made under the Statutory Declarations Act 1959 (for example a nurse, legal practitioner, medical practitioner, pharmacist or dentist); or
    a registered migration agent (whose registration is not suspended or subject to a caution).

    Si quelqu’un peut m’éclairer sa serait sympa .



    Il t’est simplement demandé de fournir ton passeport (et uniquement lui).
    Le plus simple est de le scanner et de le joindre à partir de ton compte créé sur leur site lorsque tu as fait ta demande de visa. Tu peux aussi leur renvoyer par e-mail en veillant bien à n’utiliser que des caractères anglophones (pas d’accent) en titre ou objet (un détail).

    Si tu préfères l’envoyer par voie postale, il faut que tu envoies un copie couleur certifiée conforme (mairie, police…).

    La partie du passeport à fournir est la double-page contenant la photo d’identité.

    Azar CZ

    D’accord merci pour l’info .
    Et donc après avoir fais ceci il devrais pas y avoir de problème pour l’obtention du visa j’espère ..

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