19.9 C
8 février 2025

NOUVEAU REPRESENTANT du cabinet australien Synch1

Le 1er site francophone sur l’Australie, le pays-continent Forums Immigrer en Australie Immigration NOUVEAU REPRESENTANT du cabinet australien Synch1

7 sujets de 81 à 87 (sur un total de 87)
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  • #316064

    thanks for answer Mira


    le metier de chauffeur poids lourds ou super lourds est il un metier recherché en australie


    Dear Mira,

    I have an agricultural engineering diploma (equivalent to a master in agriculture, foood science and evironement with a specialization in export and international marketing for wines).
    My actual work in Australia (under WHV since august 2006) is sales and marketing manager for food, wine and agricultural goods projects in a very young and small company providing business services to companies in Australia or in France.
    This is my first paid work after my graduation, however I have more than 18 months of internships experiences, i’m 25.

    I’m beginning the process to get a permanent resident visa.
    I have many questions….

    1/ I would like to see a migration agent or lawyer in my area (NSW, northern beaches or sydney) able to advice and help me (so skilled!), do you have any name to give me?

    2/ I would like to know -to get my CDR (competency Demonstration Report)- if my occupational category is professional engineer?

    3/ If I had better to be an employee (paid under TFN) or a consultant (with ABN number) for my actual work in australia.. I mean : does it make any difference to get more chance with my visa?

    4/ I have to pass IELTS test, which one is the easiest to get the Academic or General Training one?

    5/ how much do you estimate the cost to get a permanent resident visa, is $2.000 relevant without an agent? And how much do you estimate the cost of agent to help me in this process?

    6/ Last but not least, what are my chances? Do you know how many points correspond to my profile? And how long it should take? People told me about 11 months, is it true?

    Thank you for your kind help



    Bonjour a tous,

    First of all Aya, I can’t answer your question because I don’t understand what chauffeur poids lourds means, is it some kind of driver of heavy goods or something like that ?
    If someone else can help with the translation, I will be more than happy to answer.

    Sophie, you asked a few questions that require personal advise which relates specifically to your case.
    This forum is for more general issues and with your permission, I will answer those that other readers can benefit from.
    As to those that I haven’t answered, you are most welcome to contact me on my email and we will be happy to provide you with more advise through a detailed assessment of your case.

    Engineers only require the General IELTS.
    As to your question about a TFN or ABN – and whether it impacts your chances in getting a permanent visa in Australia – first of all I assume that you do have a TFN as you have been working in Australia since August.
    There is no benefit to having an ABN on top of the TFN, for your work experience to be recognized, it will have to be paid work experience in one of the occupations on the SOL that you are skilled enough to perform..

    As to costs – even if you don’t use any agent it is unrealistic to pay only 2000$ in order to complete the process on your own.
    The governmental fees and fees paid to the skills assessment body are about 2500$AUD (1990$ paid to DIMA and 495$ paid to the IEA)
    and you also need to do the IELTS which is about 240$ and medical tests that cost about 350$ so overall you are looking at about 3000$ AUD without taking into consideration translations of documents.

    Agents fees vary of course and can range between 4000-8000$AUD as far as I know- it depends on the agent’s expertise and experience and of course the competitiveness in the market.

    As to processing times, you need to take into account processing time for the skills assessment which is pretty quick with the IEA and then processing time of DIMA when the application is lodged which is 50 weeks unless occupation is on the MODL list which gives it priority and can get the application processed in 6-8 months.

    I hope that was of assistance to you.

    Best wishes,

    Mira Flomin
    Registered Migration Agent (0210295)


    P.O.Box 1750
    Byron Bay
    NSW 2481


    Bonjour nous sommes actuellement un couple de francais a Perth avec un visa vacance travail et travaillons dans un restaurant pouvant nous sponsoriser. Le hic est que je viens de tomber enceinte quelle est la meilleure solution a envisager pour rester en Australie


    Bonjour nous sommes actuellement un couple de francais a Perth avec un visa vacance travail et travaillons dans un restaurant pouvant nous sponsoriser. Le hic est que je viens de tomber enceinte quelle est la meilleure solution a envisager pour rester en Australie


    Bonjour ,

    Je suis Francaise, je suis en Australie depuis 2 mois. Avant de partir de France j ai trouve un sponsor , les papiers administratifs ont pris plus longtemps que je pensais donc je suis arrivee avec un visa Eta.

    Aujourd hui je suis dans l attente d une reponse de l immigration, ma demande de visa et de sponsore a ete depose il y a un mois.

    Dans un mois si je n ai pas de reponse je vais etre dans l obligation de quitter le pays.

    Que pensez vous , est ce que je vais avoir une reponse avant un mois, en attendant est ce que je peux avoir un visa business short time .

    Est ce que l immigration peut me mettre dehors .

    Thank you for you answer

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