23.7 C
14 décembre 2024

Web-designers et developpeurs .NET WANTED

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  • Auteur
  • #24481


    J’ai ete contacte par un recruteur qui recherche un web designer et/ou developeur .NET avec des connaissances front-end : HTML/XHTML, CSS, Javascript, JQUERY …

    Je ne sais malheureusment pas le sort qu’il reserve aux WHV mais cela vaut le coup de tenter si cela vous interesse. Il y a plusieurs postes a pourvoir assez rapidement.

    Voici ses coordonnees :

    Craig Fitzpatrick
    Talent2 International Limited
    Level 4, NAB House
    50 St Georges Terrace
    Perth WA 6000

    t +61 8 9288 8420
    f +61 8 9288 8499
    m +61 401 057 263


    Bon courage !



    Hello again,

    J’ai eu plus de news de sa part :

    I have advertised this on seek http://seek.com.au/job/b-web-b-b-designer-b-or-front-end-developer/perth-perth-inner/17861479/73/1/

    There is a number of roles for this company as the team is doubling the design team from 4 to 8 leading up to Christmas which is separated into a lead designer (To take the tutoring from the Interactive Manager) and a number of mid-level designers. The major requirements are #1 Creative Ability and a big advantage would be experience with National and/or International Brands, #2 good to high level CSS & HTML skills (Yes some coding involved) with knowledge and/or appreciation of CSS Frameworks (Big Positive).

    Voila, a vous de jouer !


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