28.3 C
15 décembre 2024

Un autre fou en australie …

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  • #61162

    Hum, celui la est vraiment fou … Surtour la traversée de Nullarbor déja en voiture….


    😆 😆 😆


    Sur le même site …


    Décidement ce site belge…


    Trop bien, je viens de visiter le site du gars, c’est tout simplement énorme !!! http://www.boardfree.co.uk/
    Ya une vidéo qui dure qq minutes, je vous conseil franchement d’y jeter un coup d’oeil !

    Aller hop je me lance, je fais la même en roller !! 😀 Quelqu’un est partant pour m’accompagner !!


    Clair super vidéo j’avais pas vu qu’il avait un site… 😉

    Arf, revoir ça … ca me donne des frissons…


    Bien sympa la vidéo…

    Pensez a activer « l’active x » en haut de fenêtre sinon la vidéo forcement ne s’affiche pas (pour ceux ne l’ayant pas vus) , ya que moi pour faire ça , bref .


    Sa c’est passer ou exactement l’attaque du requin,sur le pêcheur??


    interresant , le requin

    truc drole le skate , y a un article sur lui dans mon metro de ce matin a londre lol


    vous avez un peu tout mélangé entre le skate et le requin là!! lol 😆

    tom-tom wrote:
    Sa c’est passer ou exactement l’attaque du requin,sur le pêcheur??

    L’attaque a eu lieu à Cape Howe, pres d’Eden. limite du NSW et Victoria il me semble…

    Le plngeur dit qu’il s’en est sorti grace a l’outil qu’il avait pour les coquillages qu’il ramassait, et a percer l’oeil du requin avec alors que sa tete etait dans la bouche du requin.

    Eric Nerhus was caught in the mouth and jaws of a great white shark, the most fearsome predator in the sea. His head, a shoulder and an arm were fully inside the shark’s mouth and 3,000 teeth were biting down on his body. « It started to shake me, » said the experienced 41-year-old diver after the attack, which looked certain to end in his death. « I thought, ‘Oh no, I know what happens when they shake you. That’s when they cut off the biggest piece of meat they can.' »

    Beyond hope, he just fought back. « I put my left hand down, all the waydown the throat… and I felt down to the eye socket and I poked my fingers into the eye socket and the shark reacted. It opened its mouth a bit and I wriggled out. »

    In the struggle, his diving goggles were smashed into his face, breaking his nose. « It was still trying to bite me, » said Mr Nerhus, who had been using a chisel to prise abalone shellfish from rocks 30ft down in the sea off southern Australia. He used the blade to stab the shark in the eye, several times. « I’ve never felt fear like it, » said Mr Nerhus, who knew he was still in serious trouble.

    His oxygen tube was gone and he guessed he had been trapped in the shark’s mouth without air for a couple of minutes. Somehow, though, he was still alive and conscious. The lead-lined vest worn to keep his body from floating had saved him from being bitten in two. The mighty jaws had been unable to break through the lead, but there was still a bleeding circle of tooth marks from the top of his right shoulder to under his left armpit.

    A great white shark can smell one tiny drop of blood in 100 litres of seawater and traces its prey by following the electricity that every animal discharges when it moves. Lungs bursting, half-blinded by the loss of his goggles, Mr Nerhus saw the blurred shape of the 13ft shark coming back for more, then felt it swim in ever tighter circles around his legs. « The big, round, black eye, five inches wide, was staring straight into my face without one hint of fear. »

    Why should it be afraid? The diver was in the shark’s world, and at its mercy. For some reason it did not finish him off straight away. Despite the terror in his brain and the cloud of blood spreading around him, Mr Nerhus found the oxygen tube and put it back in his mouth. He knew he could only surface slowly or be struck with agonising bends. Meanwhile, the shark was circling. « I’m sure it would have bitten my legs off, » he said – but just in time he broke the surface and was hauled aboard his boat by his shocked teenage son Mark.

    Mais comme quoi ça paye d’etre un hero!! wrote:
    An abalone diver who survived a shark attack off the New South Wales far south coast yesterday has signed an agreement with a celebrity management firm.
    Eric Nerhus, 41, escaped an attack by a three-metre white pointer shark yesterday, at Cape Howe, near Eden.
    He told friends that at one point, the shark had his head in its mouth.
    He is in a stable condition after undergoing surgery last night at Wollongong hospital, where family and friends are visiting him.

    173110-2.jpeg c’est amusant, en entrant Cape Howe dans google c’est une photo d’un carnet kikooboo que j’ai trouvé en première ligne!! 😆 (merci à Melanie 22ans.. lol)


    hop, encore un lien sur le sujet du plongeur… en bas de la page il y a des attaques memorables de requin.. moi celle qui me fait le plus mal c’est celles des 900 marines à l’eau qui se sont fait dévorés dès la tombée de la nuit jusqu’a ce que 316 survivants soient repechés quatre jours apres.. l’angoisse la plus pure, ne pas savoir qui va etre le prochain à partir sous les eaux… brrr ça donne des frissons dans le dos!

    Si vous voulez avoir une idée de la quantité qui peut etre avalée par ces petits poissons:


    terrible la video

    les requin qui se font une orgie , sexe et bouffe le reve quoi lol


    Bon euh toi… si tu veux y a une belle destination dans une eau bien froide, avec de petits poissons… En plus t’aime bien les sports aquatiques tu m’as dit! 😛



    Ca allait avec cette image là que tout le monde connait 😉


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