25 C
13 février 2025

TOUT pour équiper votre Van/4*4 su Melbourne

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  • #81824

    Notre 4*4 ayant rendu l’âme, nous revendons tout le matos que nous possédions.
    C’est à dire

    ! Everything for only $ 450 (total of eveything separate 630$)
    1 NEW auto radio « SONY » with AUX $ 50
    The Camps6 travel book $ 10
    220V Power inverter $ 15
    1 GPS « GARMIN » $ 50
    1 little fan $ 5
    1 saw $ 5
    1 big new « First AID Kit » $ 25
    1 new sunlamp with remote control + an electric lamp $ 15
    1 big mattress + 2 pillows + 1 quilt + 1 blanket + sheets $ 40
    A 3 people tent $ 10
    3 mosquito’s nets (2 for windows + a big one) $ 5
    1 camping table with 2 new chairs $ 20
    1 gaz cooker + 9 gaz cans $ 20
    1 eski box + 1 eski bag $ 20
    1 pic nic blanket $ 5
    1 big tarpaulin + 2 big stakes (in case of rain or a lot of sun, usefull) $ 20
    1 umbrella $ 5
    1 big box with all the cooking stuffs you need. $ 50
    3 good fishing rod $ 50
    Some board games in a wood box $ 10
    2 big boxes + 2 mediums and 4 small ones $ 30
    2x20L fuel canisters, 1x20L freshwater tank $ 30
    some tools $ 20
    2 transmission’s oil bottle DXTRON $ 10
    1 cooling fluid’s bottle $ 5
    1 small compressor + 1 manometer $ 15
    A tow rope $ 20
    2 snorkelling equipments (mask + fins + snorkel) $ 50
    1 baseball bat $ 5
    1 windows tint kit $ 15

    Everything an help to install everything and get your van ready for a confortable travel

    Appelez Max au 0402553823


    je suis tres interesser voici mon num 0403691118

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