24 C
15 décembre 2024

Sydney’s on Top of the World …

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  • #61015

    source : http://www.citybrandsindex.com/press-20070125au.asp

    Sydney ranks first, Melbourne debuts in top 10 in latest Anholt City Brands Index

    Sydney, January 25th, 2007 – Sydney has been officially named the best city brand in the world, knocking 2005 title holder London to second place in the 2006 edition of the annual Anholt City Brands Index (CBI). Making its CBI debut, Melbourne scored a comfortable place in the top ten, ranking in 8th place. The CBI polled 15,255 people in 20 countries across the globe on issues including the city’s people, climate, lifestyle, affordability, transport and its presence on the world stage.

    The number of cities included in the survey doubled from last year, from 30 to 60, with Melbourne scoring the highest rank out of all the new entrants. Created by government advisor Simon Anholt and powered by global market intelligence solutions provider GMI (Global Market Insite, Inc.), the CBI measures the power and impact of a city’s brand and its overall international image, taking into account the perceived potential and opportunities it presents for people abroad.

    Climbing two places from last year, Sydney is followed by London, then Paris in third place. Sydney’s improvement indicates the attractive picture the city is painting for itself internationally, and its strong presence on the global radar.

    The image and successes of iconic Australians also contribute to the overall perception of Australia, with the tragic death of Steve Irwin bringing a surge of emotion for the country, and reinforcing the ‘Aussie’ ideals he presented to the world.

    CBI report author Simon Anholt says Australians should be proud of the result, with Sydney-siders and Melbournians successfully creating a strong and positive brand for their cities.

    “Every city has a brand that they rely on to influence tourism, business and their international presence. Sydney has come up as having the world’s best brand, and new-comer Melbourne has done exceptionally well beating other recent additions to the poll that include Montréal, Copenhagen and Boston.

    “Australia is in a truly unique position – able to distinguish itself from cities such as London, Rome and Paris, which are often identified by historic landmarks and politics.

    “Australia is young, fresh, and often the subject of intrigue being so far away from the rest of the world. It’s the place people fantasise about as having sun drenched beaches, friendly people, and great lifestyle – and all with an affordable price tag.”

    Austrade’s chief economist, Tim Harcourt, says that Australian businesses should take advantage of the CBI findings to generate interest from abroad.

    « The poll results show that it is not just Australia Day down under, but seemingly all over the world, as Australia resonates as a brand that gets stronger in global business by the day, » he says.

    « CBI findings should serve as further encouragement for Australian businesses that are growing globally.

    “It shows that Australia is thought of not just as a great place to visit, but also as a destination for investment and business thanks to the strong brands Sydney and Melbourne have created.

    « Sydney is the place to be in the eyes of the world. It is only a matter of time before we see ‘Sydney – Melbourne – London – Paris – Rome’ under the logos of the world’s most recognised brands.”

    The Results

    The Presence
    Familiarity/perceived standing 11th out of 60 36th out of 60
    The Place
    1st out of 60
    6th out of 60

    The Potential
    Economic/educational opportunities
    3rd out of 60
    10th out of 60

    The Pulse
    Urban lifestyle
    5th out of 60
    16th out of 60

    The People
    Acceptance in the community
    1st out of 60
    3rd out of 60

    The Pre-requisites
    Accommodation/public amenities such as schools, hospitals, transport
    1st out of 60
    2nd out of 60

    I’m not surprised ( :


    Effectivement il n’y a rien de très étonnant à ce sondage.

    Entre Londres, Paris ou Sydney. Je n’hésites pas une seule seconde c’est de loin Sydney que je préfère !!! :soleil

    KroKoala wrote:
    Effectivement il n’y a rien de très étonnant à ce sondage.

    Entre Londres, Paris ou Sydney. Je n’hésites pas une seule seconde c’est de loin Sydney que je préfère !!! :soleil

    Oui mais toi et tes avis… 🙄

    Oui mais toi et tes avis…

    Zico, si c’est juste pour faire une réflexion désagréable … la prochaine fois abstiens toi !


    Mais non , on sait tous que c’est Melbourne ! 🙂 lol

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