24 C
19 février 2025

Sydney–Brisbane $40 –Cains–Darwin

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  • #87229

    Hi peeps 🙂

    Leaving Sydney on the 08 of June to go to Darwin taking 3 weeks time, planning to do Sydney/Brisbane in one go (not much to see on the way and gonna be cold) and start the road trip from there. Cost will be $40 each for Sydney/Brisbane then same every 1000km.

    If you want to join after Brisbane it will be a 3 weeks road trip to Cairn and I’ll probably do Cairn/Darwin in one go.. I’ve got no plan for the road trip as it will be a mix of everyone wish and gonna be an adventure.. just a few place I like to do again like Fraser Island .. a stop at Byron bay as I’ve got friends living there, as in Cairns
    Got a 4X4 van Mitsubishi Delica with 7 seats but plan to be only 6 to be more comfortable, got a trailer to put all the stuff 😉 got pretty much all the camping gear we need.. got a guitar and about to install a good stereo .. a bit of a party guy :p ..I’m french and Australian resident now :p

    Anyway, not gonna write a book 😀 .. if you think you might be interested for the trip to Brisbane or more, give me a buzz 😉 …on the rooooad agaiiiiin :p ..can’t wait!! 😀



    update, we are 3 atm from Sydney and one starting from brisbane so 3 seats left.
    A bit more precision for the gear, got a big tante with two room, a tante for two with matrice, a folding camping bed, eski, box to put some food, gazcooker, BBQ grid/plate, big top, hammoc, palms and googles, laptop, a handsaw sometime usefull for nice campfire .. might take two pushbikes ..ooh got some climbing gear with two arness, rope so if anyone keen to learn and give it a try 🙂 ..always beautiful places to camp btw coz also usually next to water 🙂 ..anyone with surfboard welcome! 😉


    desole pour l’anglais mais comme je poste aussi sur Gumtree 😛
    ..sa s’annonce bien tout ca 😛
    plus que 2 semaines de taf 🙂

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    Salut Dimi,

    Je suis sur Sydney. Je projette de faire en Juin la côte est de Sydney à Cairns.

    Es-tu encore à Sydney ?
    Recherches-tu encore un travel mate ?


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