23.7 C
14 décembre 2024

probleme de traduction pour le whv…URGENT je compren rien

Le 1er site francophone sur l’Australie, le pays-continent Forums Working Holiday Visa Visa Working Holiday probleme de traduction pour le whv…URGENT je compren rien

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  • Auteur
  • #45322

    salu a tous…aidez moi a comprendre ce message et surtout a y repondre…je par bientot et il me saoul avec ce visa….jai deja repondu a ce message mai il men envoi un autre….merci bocou

    Dear Mr HELLOU,
    > Thank you for your email in relation to your electronic working holiday
    > (subclass 417) visa application lodged via the Department of Immigration
    > and Citizenship website.
    > Your electronic working holiday visa lodged via the Department of
    > Immigration and Citizenship website has been referred to an Australian
    > Immigration office in Australia for manual processing.
    > This office sent you emails to CARCASSES@HOTMAIL.FR on 17 July 2008 and 20
    > August 2008 requesting information required to further process your visa
    > application.
    > To date the Department has not received this requested information.
    > Therefore, we ask that you provide the following information as your
    > electronic working holiday visa application cannot be further processed
    > until the requested outstanding information is received.
    > If granted a visa, you will advise the Australian Government of any
    > change in your circumstances.
    > (Yes/No)
    > This information can be provided to the Department by sending an email to
    > « eVisa.WHM.Helpdesk@immi.gov.au » with the answer to the above question
    > (either ‘Yes’ or ‘No’). To ensure faster processing, please click ‘Reply
    > with History’ to this email and do not alter information in the subject
    > line.
    > Australian Migration Law allows you 28 days to respond to a request for
    > additional information. After 28 days the department may finalise your visa
    > application based on the information held. It is important that you inform
    > the department if you cannot provide the information within 28 days.
    > Generally working holiday visa applications lodged electronically may be
    > finalised within two working days of lodgment. In some instances, such as
    > outstanding health requirements, electronic applications are referred to an
    > Australian Immigration Office in Australia for further processing.
    > Referred applications may take up to 4 weeks to finalise after all
    > outstanding information is received.
    > The department advises Working Holiday Visa (subclass 417) applicants not
    > finalise their travel arrangements until they have received notification of
    > their visa application outcome. The department will endeavour to process
    > your visa application as efficiently as possible, however you will not be
    > able to travel unless/until you have received a visa grant notification at
    > the email or postal address you provided in your online application.
    > To be eligible for a Working Holiday visa, applicants must be outside
    > Australia when they apply and at the time a decision is made on their
    > application.
    > If your visa application contains incorrect and / or misleading
    > information, this may lead to your application being refused or your visa
    > being cancelled.
    > If your circumstances change or the information provided as part of your
    > application is no longer correct, you must inform the department in writing
    > as soon as possible.
    > Please do not change your email address as this may cause confusion and
    > delay processing your application.
    > Thank you for using the eVisa service.
    > Kind regards

    Par Toutatis

    Apparemment l’Immigration veut en savoir plus sur toi. Un agent s’occupe de ton cas et il semble qu’ils t’aient envoyé une liste de question à laquelle ils attendent des réponses.
    Ils t’ont renvoyé une deuxième demande le 20 août dernier et tu as 28 jours pour y répondre sinon ton dossier sera fermé et ton visa classé sans suite. En bref, tu es dans la m..de.

    Ils te préviennent aussi que tu ne peux rentrer en Australie sans avoir ce visa.
    A partir du moment où ils auront reçu les infos qu’ils demandent, ton visa (s’ils finissent par te l’accorder) prendra jusqu’à 4 semaines de procédure.
    Il faut que tu leurs réponde sur cette adresse: eVisa.WHM.Helpdesk@immi.gov.au
    Ils te demandent aussi de bien répondre au courriel que tu as reçu (et de ne pas en commencer un autre) afin qu’ils puissent relire l’historique de vos échanges.
    Si tu parles l’anglais comme tu écris le français, il vas effectivement te falloir pas mal d’aide… 😀


    resalu et merci davoir repondu a mon message…en fait ce le deuxieme mail ki menvoi…les 2 avec la meme kestion..If granted a visa, you will advise the Australian Government of any
    > change in your circumstances.
    > (Yes/No)
    > javai repondu ke oui je les avertirai en cas de changemen de situation…il me renvoi un otre message avec la meme kestion…a noter kil mon envoyer ce deuxieme mail le 18 septembre…
    pourai tu me doner une reponse a la kestion kil menvoi steplai sachan ke je vai laba avec un pote pour decouvrir le pays tou en faisan des pti boulo pour survivre…merci et franchemen ce urgent car mon pote a son visa et il me mank plus ke 10 jour…

    Par Toutatis

    2solé konpren ri1 😡


    excuse si je mexprime mal…..jte met mon msn ce plu pratik et plu direct…sa maranjerai vraimen ktu maide car je sui vraimen en stress….jtexplikerai mieu…tifritien@hotmail.fr

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