17.9 C
8 mai 2024


3 sujets de 1 à 3 (sur un total de 3)
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  • #67605

    Hello Ladies and Gentleman:




    Hi andreskx

    Didn’t you know the cost of your studies before enrolling in it? I don’t well understand what you want us to answer.
    I think you have de possibility to explain you problem to your university and then they will cancel your enrollment.

    But you have also the right to work during your studies but only 20 hours a week (but I don’t really think that it would be sufficiant to pay your studies)

    I was not prudent to go abroad for studies without the response about your scholarship.

    It is not necessary to copy your email adress so many times, It won’t give your more answers

    Buenas tardes

    No sabes el precio des los estudios antes de hacer tu inscripcion?
    Puedes explicar tu situacion a la universitad para que annulen tu inscripcion.
    Tienes la posibilitad de trabajar durante tus estudios pero solamente 20 horas a la semana (No pienso que sea sufficiante para pagar tus estudios)

    No es necessario copiar tu direccion internet tantas veces

    Pour les français merci de ma corriger car mon anglais est plutot BOF et mon espagnlo remonte à TRES loin donc ça ne doit pas être terrible tout ça. Mais bon rassurez moi, c’est comprehensible???

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