19 C
4 novembre 2024

paroles des chansons typiques en oz

Le 1er site francophone sur l’Australie, le pays-continent Forums Divers Divers paroles des chansons typiques en oz

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  • #66892

    C’ette poste est pour aller avec le « English Topic » – comme un point de conversation a propos de Aussie Slang ou mots typiques ici.
    Depuis beaucoup des annees, j’ai fait un ‘etude’ pareil avec chansons francaises modernes, et j’ai trouve que c’est tres bon pour le vocabulaire.
    (Pour le moment je ne touche pas les chansons d’INXS ou AC/DC car ils sont tres connus deja).

    Je commence avec un de mes chansons preferes

    Si il y a des gens qui voudrait partager un de leur chansons aussie preferes, bienvenue de l’ajouter ici.

    Holy Grail – Hunters & Collectors (annees: early 1990’s)

    (K: ok, c’est pas un histoire d’oz, mais plutot King Arthur, mais il y a des mots tres typiques Aussie).

    Woke up this morning
    From the strangest dream
    I was in the greatest army
    The world had ever seen
    We were marching as one
    On the road for the Holy Grail.

    Started out, seeking fortune and glory
    It’s a short song
    But it’s a hell of a story
    When you spend your lifetime
    Trying to get your hands on the Holy Grail

    But have you heard about the great Crusaders?
    We ran into millions (*1)
    And nobody got paid
    Yeah we razed (*2) 4 corners of the globe
    For the Holy Grail

    All the locals scattered
    They were hiding in the snow
    We were so far from home
    So how were we to know?
    There’d be nothing left to plunder (*3)
    When we stumbled on the Holy Grail

    We were full of beans (*4)
    But we were dying like flies (*5)
    And those big black birds
    They were circling the skies
    And you know what they say –
    Nobody deserves to die

    Oh, I’ve been searching for an easy way
    To escape the cold light of day
    I’ve been high and I’ve been low
    But I’ve got nowhere else to go
    There’s nowhere else to go.

    I followed orders,
    God knows where I’ve been (*6)
    When I woke up alone,
    All my wounds were clean
    I’m still here
    I’m still full of the Holy Grail.

    *1 = en dette des millions de $.
    *2 = j’adore ce mot! ‘Razed’ = un peu comme ‘to mow down’ – to go over the top of et detuire tout, mais trop fort – it’s like flattening the entire earth en chercheant qqc.
    *3 = vieux mot anglais pour ‘voler’
    *4 = tres fort, plein d’energie’
    *5 = en train de mourir tres vite (ie comme les mouches d’Oz when sprayed with Mortein bug killer)
    * 6 = il a aucune idée ou il etait

    Des autres bientot….


    oh!! en voila une idee sympa!!

    Je me suis toujours dit que lorsque j’arriverai a comprendre les paroles des chansons en anglais je pourrai me dire : yes, je parle anglais!! Et ben c’est cool d’avoir ce genre de petites traductions sur les expressions imagees, ca va enrichir mon voc!! 😛

    Thanks Kate!!

    clem 🙂


    Je t’en prie Clem 😀 Et voici un autre…. un chanson rock/aborigene/dance cette fois qui etait tres connu il y a 10 ans.


    Well I heard it on the radio
    And I saw it on the television
    Back in 1988,
    All those talking politicians

    Words are easy, words are cheap
    Much cheaper than our priceless land
    But promises can disappear
    Just like writing in the sand

    Treaty, yeah, treaty yeah

    This land was never given up
    This land was never bought and sold
    The planting of the Union Jack (*1)
    Never changed our law at all

    Now two rivers run their course (*2)
    Separated for so long
    I’m dreaming of a brighter day
    When the waters will be one (*3)

    Treaty yeah, treaty yeah, treaty now

    Promises disappear
    …..lost destiny


    *1 = 1ier placement du drapeau Anglais sur le sol australien
    *2 = image Aborigene – 1 riviere qui represent les hommes blanche, et une autre qui represent les aborigenes, qui coule dans 2 directions separes,
    *3 et leur bon reve est pour les 2 riviers de devenir comme 1.

    Apres cette chanson, Yothu Yindi a devenu tres celebre – la plus celebre groupe indigene en Australie.
    Les paroles sont tres bon, oui, mais aussi la musique est formidable – rock et avec aussi le digeridoo, un tres bon combinaision que Yothu Yindi a fait beaucoup dans les annees suivants pour leur autres hits comme “Djapana” et “World Turning” et meme “Jailbreak” (une version nouvelle de la chanson par AC/DC!)
    Je vous conseille l’album « One Blood » (leur album de Greatest Hits)



    Et un autre, plutot plus difficile.

    Les paroles etait ecrit par un des plus celebres poets en Australie: Andrew Barton (Banjo) Paterson en 1895. C’est connu comme notre 2eme anthem/chanson national.
    http://www.tac.com.au/~anva/waltzing_matilda.htm (midi version – musique sans paroles)
    http://www.abc.net.au/tv/rewind/txt/s1233719.htm (histoire)

    (Le ** est pour les mots qu’on n’utilisent pas non plus, ou tres rarement)

    Waltzing Matilda

    Once a jolly swagman (**1) camped by a billabong (*2),
    Under the shade of a coolibah tree,
    And he sang as he sat and waited till his billy (*3) boiled
    You’ll come a ‘waltzing matilda’ (*4) with me

    Waltzing matilda, waltzing matilda
    You’ll come a waltzing matilda with me
    And he sang as he sat and waited till his billy boiled
    You’ll come a waltzing matilda with me.

    Down came a jumbuck (**5) to drink at the billabong
    Up jumped the swagman and grabbed him with glee (*6)
    And he sang as he shoved (*7) that jumbuck in his tuckerbag (**8
    You’ll come a waltzing matilda with me

    Waltzing matilda, waltzing matilda
    You’ll come a waltzing matilda with me
    And he sang as he sat and waited till his billy boiled
    You’ll come a waltzing matilda with me.

    Down came a stockman, (*9) mounted on his thoroughbred (*10),
    Down came the troopers (**11), one, two, three.
    They said « What’s that jolly jumbuck you’ve got in your tuckerbag?
    You’ll come a waltzing matilda with me »

    Waltzing matilda, waltzing matilda
    You’ll come a waltzing matilda with me
    And he sang as he sat and waited till his billy boiled
    You’ll come a waltzing matilda with me.

    Up jumped the swagman and sprang (*12) into the billabong,
    « You’ll never catch me alive, » cried he
    And his ghost may be heard as you pass by that billabong,
    You’ll come a waltzing matilda with me.

    Il y a plusieurs versions un peu different (il y a quelques versions faux sur l’internet) mais la voila, le version qu’on entends la plus et que j’ai entendu lorsque j’etais plus jeune.

    1: un vagabond, homme voyageur qui a porte ses affaires dans un a ‘swag’ sac rond sur son dos (le premier ‘sac a dos’ en australie???)
    2: Billabong – un genre d’etang dans le outback, ou les moutons et les vaches viennent souvent pour boire
    3: a billy is a tin can with a handle used for boiling tea over a campfire
    4: As some of you may already know, les mots ‘waltzing matilda’ a rien a voir avec danser ou valser, et c’est rumoured d’etre venu d’un mot allemand….je ne souviens pas exactement ce que dit le phrase.
    5: ** jumbuck = vieux mot australien pour un mouton.
    6: Glee = joie, bonheur
    7: shoved – pushed it firmly into his bag
    8. Tuckerbag = sac pour nourriture
    9 Stockman – farming man – normalement a cheval (des animaux)
    10. pur sang
    11. Troopers = le police a cheval
    12. Il a saute


    Et maintenant pour le « Australian Anthem » officiel:

    **= aussi des mots tres vieux, et non plus utiles

    Australians all let us rejoice
    For we are young and free
    We’ve golden soil and wealth for toil,
    Our home is girt (**1) by sea:
    Our land abounds in nature’s gifts
    Of beauty rich and rare,
    In history’s page let every stage
    Advance Australia fair,
    In joyful strains (**2) then let us sing
    Advance Australia fair.

    Beneath our radiant Southern Cross,
    We’ll toil (**3) with hearts and hands,
    To make this Commonwealth of ours
    Renowned (*4) of all the lands,
    For those who’ve come across the seas
    We’ve boundless (*5) plains to share,
    With courage let us all combine
    To advance Australia fair.
    In joyful strains then let us sing,
    Advance Australia fair.

    **Girt = entoure par
    Strains = voix
    Toil = bosse
    Renowned: – celebre (parmi tout les pays)
    Boundless – illimite

    Je crois qu’il n’y a pas beaucoup des gens qui connait les paroles apres le 1eme verse (et beaucoup qui connait juste quelques lignes. ….could be some variations in the 2nd verse)

    Au debut, en australie, notre National Anthem etait le Anthem d’angleterre « God Save the Queen ».
    On a decide qu’il a du change, et il y avait un concours ou le publique a pu voter…. au fin, il y avait un choix entre « Advance Australia Fair », « Waltzing Matilda » et « God Save the Queen » (Beaucoup des gens pensent encore que Waltzing Matilda est la meilleur, et qui connait plus des paroles de W. M. )

    (on peut entendre la musique aussi – midi file)

    Voir le fond du page pour le version plus longue d' »Advance Australia Fair »



    Super idee Kate :listen:
    L’une de mes preferees :mrgreen:

    Traveling in a fried-out combie
    On a hippie trail, head full of zombie
    I met a strange lady, she made me nervous
    She took me in and gave me breakfast
    And she said,

    « Do you come from a land down under?
    Where women glow and men plunder?
    Can’t you hear, can’t you hear the thunder?
    You better run, you better take cover. »

    Buying bread from a man in Brussels
    He was six foot four and full of muscles
    I said, « Do you speak-a my language? »
    He just smiled and gave me a vegemite sandwich
    And he said,

    « I come from a land down under
    Where beer does flow and men chunder
    Can’t you hear, can’t you hear the thunder?
    You better run, you better take cover. »

    Lying in a den in Bombay
    With a slack jaw, and not much to say
    I said to the man, « Are you trying to tempt me
    Because I come from the land of plenty? »
    And he said,

    « Oh! Do you come from a land down under? (oh yeah yeah)
    Where women glow and men plunder?
    Can’t you hear, can’t you hear the thunder?
    You better run, you better take cover. »


    Yee-hah , I didn’t see your topic before Kate09 . I thought you’d not make it .

    Yeah Great Idea you had , I’ll see if I find some good song to post . See yah


    Hi Oz Boy, glad you like this section.

    Salut Cecile, thanks for your contribution, another good old aussie favourite and I believe it’s the only Aussie song which mentions vegemite 🙂



    😮 No Kate, WRONG!!

    We all are little vegemites
    As happy as can be
    We always eat our vegemite for breakfast, lunch and tea
    We all are getting very very very very strong(not sure about these words)

    Because we LOVE our vegemite
    We all ADORE our vegemite
    It puts a rose in every cheek!!

    Or your good old

    Peanut butter, YES PLEASE
    Peanut butter, NO CHEESE
    Eat it crunchie, eat it smooth
    Peanut butter is the groove
    So, Peanut Butter YES
    Peanut butter, YES
    Peanut butter, YES PLEASE!

    or you remember …

    Baked beans are good for your heart
    The more you eat, the more you fart
    The more you fart, the better you feel
    So eat your beans at every meal.

    😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆


    😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆
    They are from TV ads, aren’t they? the first and last one recall something.


    Yes, the first one is from a very very old tv ad.

    You got me Tadpole, I should have said that Downunder was the only pop/rock song to feature Vegemite 🙂



    Um Cecile, I dont think the last one about baked beans and farting was a tv ad, more a silly song we kids sung at school.

    I dont know the title for this, but learnt it at school too.

    Ive been around the world a couple of times or maybe more
    Ive seen the sights, Ive had delights
    On every foreign shore
    But when my friends all ask me
    The place that I adore, I tell them right away

    Give me a home amung the gum trees
    With lots of plum trees
    A sheep or two and a kangaroo
    A clothes line out the back
    Veranda out the front
    And an old rocking chair

    Some people live in houses
    And some beneath the ground
    Others live in mansions, with fences all around
    But me I like the bush you know
    With rabbits running around
    And a pumpkin vine out the back.

    Give me a home amung the gum trees
    With lots of plum trees
    A sheep or two and a kangaroo
    A clothes line out the back
    Veranda out the front
    And an old rocking chair.


    super idee j’ai bien rit en lissant tout cela


    Another one 🙂

    I think I hear the sounds of then,
    And people talking,
    The scenes recalled, by minute movement,
    And songs they fall, from the backing tape.
    That certain texture, that certain smell,

    To lie in sweat, on familiar sheets,
    In brick veneer on financed beds.
    In a room, of silent hardiflex
    That certain texture, that certain smell,

    Brings home the heavy days,
    Brings home the night time swell,

    Out on the patio we’d sit,
    And the humidity we’d breathe,
    We’d watch the lightning crack over canefields
    Laugh and think, this is Australia.

    The block is awkward – it faces west,
    Long diagonals, and sloping too.
    And in the distance, through the heat haze,
    In convoys of silence the cattle graze.

    That certain texture, that certain beat,
    Brings forth the night time heat.

    Out on the patio we’d sit,
    And the humidity we’d breathe,
    We’d watch the lightning crack over canefields
    Laugh and think that this is Australia.

    To lie in sweat, on familiar sheets,
    In brick veneer on financed beds.
    In a room of silent hardiflex
    That certain texture, that certain smell,

    Brings forth the heavy days,
    Brings forth the night time sweat

    Out on the patio we’d sit,
    And the humidity we’d breathe,
    We’d watch the lightning crack over canefields
    Laugh and think, this is Australia.

    Out on the patio we’d sit,
    And the humidity we’d breathe,
    We’d watch the lightning crack over canefields
    Laugh and think, this is Australia.


    J’adore aussi ta premiere chanson « downunder » par contre la deuxième je vois pas trop !



    Tu l’a certainement entendue a la radio.
    http://www.ganggajang.com/ sound & vision section

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