Oignon picking Gatton / Toowoomba / Ipswich. Arnaque ?
Le 1er site francophone sur l’Australie, le pays-continent › Forums › Working Holiday Visa › Jobs whv › Oignon picking Gatton / Toowoomba / Ipswich. Arnaque ?
- Ce sujet contient 4 réponses, 4 participants et a été mis à jour pour la dernière fois par
Adrien Miquel, le il y a 12 années et 3 mois.
1 octobre 2012 à 2 h 10 min #78884
ParticipantBonjour à tous !
Nous cherchons des personnes qui auraient quelques info.
Voici le problème :
Nous avons postulé à une offre d’emploi sur Gumtree pour du picking d’oignions à coté de Brisbane.
Ce matin, Farming Jobs nous envoi un mail pour nous dire que nous avons été « sélectionnés ».Pour travailler il faut que chaque picker paye 117$, ce qui comprend les corbeilles, les sécateurs et une assurance…
Nous avons vu sur le forum certaines discussion de 2011 dénonçant le picking d’oignons près de Brisbane, comme une arnaque (très mal payé, etc…)
Est ce que quelqu’un aurai d’autres infos ? Quelqu’un a t-il travaillé cette année dans ce genre de ferme ?
Merci beaucoup pour vos réponses !
1 octobre 2012 à 7 h 57 min #374589Pythie
MembreSur Gatton les échos que j’ai eu pour les oignons(je n’ai pas pické d’oignons mais des amis à moi l’ont fait) : A FUIR !
Si c’est payé à l’heure, pourquoi pas mais autrement je dois te conseiller de trouve rautre chose. C’est absolument impossible de se faire de l’argent (20-30$ la journée pour certains !) même en travaillant dur.
1 octobre 2012 à 8 h 53 min #374590AnaisAnais
ParticipantMerci pour ta réponse Pythie ! Nous allons donc essayer de trouver ailleurs !
Apparemment c’est payé 40$/jour, pour 12h de travail…
Bon courage à ceux qui cherchent !! 🙂
9 octobre 2012 à 4 h 27 min #374591jul02
MembreVoici une annonce qui vient juste d’être posté par une personne sur Gumtree afin de mettre en garde sur le picking d’onions. Il semblerait que ce soit une arnaque.
A bon entendeur…Date Listed:09/10/2012 Last Edited:09/10/2012 Advertised By: Agency Job Type: Full-time
Do not work for these guys or buy their equipment.
We came, met them, bought the « tools » required (clippers and baskets). Everything seems extremely legit. But you meet them, and never hear from them again. The gentleman i met called himself Jeff, and he was working with a woman. the phone number we had contact with was 0421223526
I dont have the original job posting, but if you see a response to an ad like the following, please ignore it, or contact me with the link. Id like to speak with them again.
Hi and thankyou for your reply for the Onion Picking positions.We have had a much larger than expected response for the advert, and have had to make a short list of applicants for the position.
You have been selected for the short list, so well done.
We will make the final list of workers in the next couple of days.
Could you please confirm that you will be able to work for a minimum of 4-6 weeks ?
Also could you please tell us if you could consider to work the whole season which is 10-11 weeks (weather depending).Also the correct Cutters and Baskets must be used, otherwise the wrong baskets will break and not last a week, and be a waste of your money and our time…
Also, the wrong cutters will make your job much slower and harder and inturn will waste your money and time, and waste our time.
The cost of the correct Baskets is $ 3.90 per Basket and you will need a minimum of six Baskets per person.
Also, the cost of the correct Cutters is either $ 59.00 or $ 79.00 this is your choice to make..
A slow or average picker can get away with the $ 59.00 cutters, however a good picker or a fast picker will need the $ 79.00 cutters, as they will make the job much faster and easier, they are a bit larger and of the highest quality, and will without make you more money and make your work a lot easier.. That choice is yours to make.
In addition we also have a job surety fee of $ 35.00 which will need to be payed upon collection of your Cutters and Baskets, which is to simply cover our time and costs and to guarantee us that you will turn up to work on the start date, which will be thursday/friday next week. So your total costs will be as follows -Baskets @ 3.90 * 6 = 23.40Cutters @ 59.00 * 1 = 59.00Job surety fee 35.00 * 1 = 35.00 Total = 117.40 Or alternatively with larger high quality cuttersyour costs will be as follows -Baskets @ 3.90 * 6 = 23.40Cutters @ 79.00 * 1 = 79.00Job surety fee 35.00 * 1 = 35.00 Total = 137.40 This choice will be yours to make…
As stated work is to commence Thursday/Friday next week, So if you make the final list you must be able to start on these dates (no exceptions)
Also if you are selected for our final list, please do not bring any other workers, other than those names you have stated in your original email, as there will be no jobs for them as all the positions are limited numbers… Please respect this and our farmers.
If you are in a position to agree to our Job Terms listed, and respond promptly to this email, we will contact you within 2 days if you have made our final list and organize a time and day that suits, for you to collect your Cutters/Baskets etc.. and our people will be happy to answer any additional questions you might have then.. They will also provide a work infomation contact number and confirm starting dates etc…. You must not provide any persons other than those stated in your email with your work information contact number if you are selected for the final list.. The number is only to be used for existing workers (not people looking for work ok) please respect this…
===========================================Theres more… however not enough room on gumtree. Dont fall for it.
15 novembre 2012 à 2 h 28 min #374592Adrien Miquel
Je suis arrivé en Australie à Brisbane afin de trouver du boulot pour refaire le plein de mon compte en banque et je suis allé à Gatton pour trouver du travail dans la cueillette. J’y suis resté deux semaines et je n’ai pas été déçu du voyage… mais pas vraiment dans le bon sens du terme. Je vous laisse consulter l’article que j’ai écrit à propos de ce lieu qui n’est pas une exception dans le Queensland (ni même en Australie): http://bistrip.over-blog.com/article-25-octobre-2012-gatton-paradise-111972372.html
Je pense qu’avec ça vous serez où vous mettez les pieds! -
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