8 C
15 juin 2024

Immigration envisageable dans mon cas ?

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  • #59421

    Hi everyone,

    I m french, 27, and hold a Master’s degree in Finance (french business school).
    I was born in France.
    I have a 4 and a half years working experience, in several countries: France, US and Canada.
    I got some family in Melbourne, and have already been to OZ once.

    1) Would it be possible for me to move to OZ ?
    2) How long do you think the process would take ?
    3) What would be your general advices ?

    Thanks !


    my advice would be to search on the huge database … go on http://www.immi.gov.au

    you’ll find out there about skilled migrants visas, and the SOL (skils occupation list)


    1) Dépend de ton ingéniosité, de ta persévérance, de ton sens de l’organisation et aussi de tes finances
    2) from 7 months to 2 years
    3) http://www.immi.gov.au

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