Garage sale Manly Sydney – on demenage!
Le 1er site francophone sur l’Australie, le pays-continent › Forums › Working Holiday Visa › Petites annonces › Garage sale Manly Sydney – on demenage!
- Ce sujet contient 1 réponse, 1 participant et a été mis à jour pour la dernière fois par
kitevail, le il y a 9 années et 11 mois.
3 mars 2015 à 1 h 12 min #89007
MembreBonjour a tous,
Je pars en Amerique du Sud et on doit quitter notre appart dans un mois.
Du coup, on vend tous, ou presquee!Dining/lounge
Black dining table with three chairs, excellent condition, with glass bench top. $30
Black desk, perfect size, not too big, not too small, good condition: $10
Wooden Snack table, one indoor one as new : $10
Wooden snack table outdoor with stains: $5Outdoors
Bougainvillea plant: $10
Australian native plant: $5
Suculents: $5
Bamboo: $5
Or all plants: $20Kitchen stuff
Beautiful green teapot: $5
Rolling pin: $5
Muffin tray: $5
Pie dishes: $5 each
Egg beater, electric wisk: $5
Salad drainer: $5
Lemon press: $2
Pizza dish: $5
Et d’autres trucs de cuisine!Bedroom
Full eco friendly bed set with two king single 100% natural latex mattress, wooden bed frames, organic cotton duvets, 100% latex pillows, organic cotton bedsheets from France and bed side tables (wood): $1500
Or buy the bedsides tables separely, excellend condition: $15 each
And other bedsheetsBooks and magazines for bed time reading: $2
Lots of fashion clothing (mango, ripcurl….): prices start from $5
Purses, $5 eachCamping
Kathmandu self inflatable mattress, full length, red, 38mm: $40 (worth $150)
Kathmandy esqui with set of plates, cutlery, mini chopping board: $10Sports
6’0 surfboard with turtle design, fins, leash and board cover: $280
Bag with two tennis rackets in good condition: $40
Kitesurfing full package for women with board, harness, kite, bag, lines: $900Art
Acrylic paint set: $5
Purse with good quality watercolour with watercolour book: $15
Impasto medium with knife: $10
Painting medium and brush soap conditioner: $10
Good quality CANSON , Medium 300gsm, A3 paper for watercolour: $10 (barely used!)
Oil Sketch Pad: $10 (only one page used!)
Como sketch pad A4: $5
Or full set for: $503 mars 2015 à 1 h 13 min #396783kitevail
MembreOn a d’autres trucs aussi
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