23.9 C
14 février 2025

Garage sale Manly Sydney – on demenage!

2 sujets de 1 à 2 (sur un total de 2)
  • Auteur
  • #89007

    Bonjour a tous,
    Je pars en Amerique du Sud et on doit quitter notre appart dans un mois.
    Du coup, on vend tous, ou presquee!

    Black dining table with three chairs, excellent condition, with glass bench top. $30
    Black desk, perfect size, not too big, not too small, good condition: $10
    Wooden Snack table, one indoor one as new : $10
    Wooden snack table outdoor with stains: $5

    Bougainvillea plant: $10
    Australian native plant: $5
    Suculents: $5
    Bamboo: $5
    Or all plants: $20

    Kitchen stuff
    Beautiful green teapot: $5
    Rolling pin: $5
    Muffin tray: $5
    Pie dishes: $5 each
    Egg beater, electric wisk: $5
    Salad drainer: $5
    Lemon press: $2
    Pizza dish: $5
    Et d’autres trucs de cuisine!

    Full eco friendly bed set with two king single 100% natural latex mattress, wooden bed frames, organic cotton duvets, 100% latex pillows, organic cotton bedsheets from France and bed side tables (wood): $1500
    Or buy the bedsides tables separely, excellend condition: $15 each
    And other bedsheets

    Books and magazines for bed time reading: $2


    Lots of fashion clothing (mango, ripcurl….): prices start from $5
    Purses, $5 each

    Kathmandu self inflatable mattress, full length, red, 38mm: $40 (worth $150)
    Kathmandy esqui with set of plates, cutlery, mini chopping board: $10

    6’0 surfboard with turtle design, fins, leash and board cover: $280
    Bag with two tennis rackets in good condition: $40
    Kitesurfing full package for women with board, harness, kite, bag, lines: $900

    Acrylic paint set: $5
    Purse with good quality watercolour with watercolour book: $15
    Impasto medium with knife: $10
    Painting medium and brush soap conditioner: $10
    Good quality CANSON , Medium 300gsm, A3 paper for watercolour: $10 (barely used!)
    Oil Sketch Pad: $10 (only one page used!)
    Como sketch pad A4: $5
    Or full set for: $50


    On a d’autres trucs aussi

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