18 C
11 décembre 2024

cherche qq pr faire la Tasmanie

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  • #52785

    Slt! Je m’apelle katia et je cherche des personnes pr faire le tour de la Tasmanie ds les prochains jours. Je suis actuellemen sur Melbourne. Si qqun a un van ou est motivee pr en louer un, mon num 0433885843.


    ok voila ce que j’ai posté sur gumtree :

    I found a relocation van to bring from Melbourne to Hobart.
    So I can take 1 or 2 people with me
    I’ll leave Melbourne with the 8 PM ferry on the 14th of february and i have to be in Hobart on the 17th.
    It’s gonna be a quite short trip but still…
    100$ will be refund for petrol by the location company
    I won’t have any signal/network until tuesday the 12th so let me a mail if you’re interested and i’ll call you back.
    Raphael, 25, French

    let me know !
    see ya

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