24.3 C
20 janvier 2025

Bridging Visa B

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  • #60444

    Bonjour je suis actuellement en Australie sous Bridging visa A, en attente de la decision d’un visa 497.

    or je dois me rendre en Nouvelle Caledonie pour le boulot.
    Je dois donc demander un Bridging visa B.

    Savez vous combien de temps cela prend pour obtenir le bridging visa B ?

    Merci d’avance


    Bonjour Eortolan,

    You will need to apply for the Bridging visa B in the DIAC office closer to you, it shouldn’t take long to approve it.

    Best wishes,

    Mira Flomin
    Registered Migration Agent (0210295)


    P.O.Box 1750
    Byron Bay
    NSW 2481
    Phone Int +61-2 – 66884081
    Mobile Int +61-417-735187
    Fax Int+61-2- 66884153


    HI Mira,
    thank you very much for your quick reply.

    after her studies, my wife applied for a visa 497 6 months ago. I am on her application as a family dependant.
    So we are on a bridging visa, waiting for decision for the 497 visa.
    Immigration told us that the decision should be made in 4/6 weeks.

    I was proposed a visa 457.
    Do you know if I have to wait for our visa 497 to be granted or not, to apply for this visa 457, as we don’t have a substantive visa at the moment.
    if finally the visa 497 is not granted, could I apply for the 457 by staying in Australia, or should we go outside Australia during the process of the visa 457 application ?

    Thank you very much



    Hello Eric,

    If you lodge 2 visa applications , the last visa approved is the one that takes effect so you would have to be careful when you lodge a permanent visa appliation (such as the 880 as opposed to a temporary visa – the 457). If the 497 is not approved then you will have to leave Australia because you won’t have a valid visa to stay in Australia – in those circumstances, you will have to go overseas to lodge your 457 visa application – however as you know the 457 involves 3 stages – first the company needs to be approved as sponsor and then the position – those 2 stages can be lodged while you are in Australia and once approved, you can go overseas and lodge the third stage – your nomination.

    But as you know you can only stay in Australia as long as you have an appropriate visa.

    Good Luck!

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