Toutes mes réponses sur les forums
5 mars 2006 à 1 h 26 min #304565
jeremie3 mars 2006 à 7 h 25 min #306864Jeremie
Membresalut a tous,
je serais egalement motive pour du fruit picking courant mars
egalement sur Sydney en ce moment
on pourrait peut etre se faire un tir groupe
on se tient au jus
04 0662 19132 mars 2006 à 22 h 11 min #307420Jeremie
et au niveau windsurf ?
quels sont les prix de location ? et sur quels spots ?merci
jeremie21 novembre 2005 à 19 h 38 min #313719Jeremie
Membreje ne m’y connais pas non plus des masses mais regardes toujours le mien. Par contre, on ne travaille pas tellement dans le même domaine…
_________________________ PERSONAL DATA ________________________
§ Nationality : French
§ Date of birth : 26/07/1981
§ Address : 10, …. BREST – FRANCE
§ Phone : +33(0)2-98-XX-XX-80
§ Mobile : +33(0)6-08-XX-XX-30
§ Email : jeremie_habasque@yahoo.fr_____________________________ OBJECTIVES ______________________________
In order to improve my knowledge of database management systems, I would like to find a job in this field. Moreover, to work abroad has been my aim for many years now so that I can discover new cultures.
______________________ PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE ______________________
Since april 2004 : UNILOG – LOGICA CMG (IT Services Company)
IT Engineer for a financial company.
Mission : Analysis and development of Internet application.
Environment : MVS/COBOL, Java, Eclipse/CVS.April – June 2002: BIBUS (Urban transport company) – University Internship – 11 weeks.
Development of a commercial reporting system concerning income and expenditure for the marketing department.
I was responsible for the project which involved the use of Access, Visual Basic and Excel.April – August 2001: Crédit Mutuel de Bretagne (National bank).
Data-processing assistant. Development of an Access application using SQL requests allowing the compilation of statistics for the follow-up of credit risk.Constitution of a SAS database of professional customers for the “Credit risk control” department.
_____________________________ EDUCATION ______________________________
2001-2004: Master MIAGE Equivalent to a Master’s Degree in Computer Science Applied to Company Management.
University of Nantes (France). DUT (Technician’s Degree) in Statistics and Data Analysis at the University
Institute of Technology of Vannes (France). Baccalaureate in Science with special emphasis on Mathematics.
___________________________ COMPUTER SKILLS ___________________________
§ Operating systems : MVS/IBM, UNIX/Linux, Windows
§ Database tools : Oracle, DB2, Access
§ Statistics, data analysis and cartography : SAS, SPAD, Statgraphics, Sphinx, Mapinfo
§ Languages : Java, C/C++, Cobol/CICS, Télon, PL/SQL, Visual Basic
§ Analysis method : Merise, UML
§ Internet : JSP, Php/MySQL, XML, XSL
§ Network : Ethernet, TCP/IP_____________________________ LANGUAGES ______________________________
§ French : Mother tongue
§ English : Good knowledge, classes throughout university studies
§ Spanish : Good knowledge, classes throughout university studies______________________________ INTERESTS _______________________________
§ Windsurfing, soccer and other sports
§ Travels : New – Caledonia, Bolivia, New – Zealand, Mexico, Los Angeles, Hawaii. -