Eloise Burton



Eloise Burton

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Analyzing a Current Health Care Problem

Research best practices to aid your analysis. Identify the elements of the problem or issue and frame it.

Analyze the economic factors of supply nhs fpx 4000 assessment 3 analyzing a current health care problem demand associated with your proposed initiative within a context relevant to your organization or care setting. Consider both micro level and macro level perspectives.

Assessment 3

The health care industry faces many challenges, from an aging population that requires more medical attention to a nurse shortage and a physician burnout rate. These factors affect the quality of patient care and the ability of hospitals to provide timely treatment to patients.

One of the most serious health care problems is the shortage of physicians. There are several reasons for this, including localized health care provider shortages, where a region lacks enough doctors to serve the needs of its population; and nationalized health care provider shortages, when too many physicians leave the field or retire.

Another health care issue is the nhs fpx 6004 policy proposal amount of data that must be analyzed. This information is collected through electronic health records, clinical suspicions and tests, key lifestyle factors, and other sources. It can be difficult to organize this data into a unified format for analysis. This can lead to poor decision-making and inefficient use of resources. The solution is to develop software programs that can analyze health care data and identify trends.

Assessment 5

For decades, health care has operated on a system that relies on mutually reinforcing elements: organization by specialty with independent private-practice physicians; measurement of quality as process compliance; cost accounting driven by costs but not charges; fee-for-service payments with rampant cross-subsidies; delivery systems built around medical specialties; and siloed IT systems. The COVID-19 pandemic showed these flaws in stark relief.

Health care has become a data-dependent industry, but the vast amounts of information produced can overwhelm providers and create barriers to providing the nhs fpx 6008 developing a business case health care patients deserve. The solution is to improve the way we manage and leverage data.

The five elements of assessment design identified in these modules—alignment, rigor, precision, and fairness—are essential to effective assessment. In this module, you will learn about the first of these, alignment. By the end of this module, you will be able to define alignment and use an assessment blueprint template to document the primary purpose of an assessment.

Assessment 6

The current health care system’s problems stem from a set of mutually reinforcing elements: organization by medical specialty with independent private-practice physicians; measuring quality based on process compliance; fee-for-service payment with distorted incentives; NR 351 Week 2 Time Management Plan Assignment patient populations that prevent providers from having critical masses of patients with a given medical condition; siloed information systems around medical specialties; and delivery approaches focused on increasing volumes rather than delivering high-quality outcomes. These factors have contributed to inefficient costs and unsustainable access.

As the landscape evolves to value-based reimbursement, the most competitive health care organizations will be those that improve outcomes and enter contracting NR 393 Week 2 Milestone from a position of strength. Those that do not will encounter increasing pressure. As a result, they may not be able to survive in their current form.