14.1 C
2 mai 2024

Cherche Sac pour sufboard

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  • #59752

    G’day everyone !

    Je cherche un sac pour ma planche car j’aimerais la ramener en France.

    Ma planche est une 6.4 donc il me faudrait un sac de taille minimun 7 histoire de la rembourer de vetements pour bien la proteger 😉

    J’ai pas envie d’en payer un neuf dans un shop alors aidez moi please.

    Info importante : je suis a Perth.


    Try SailSurf (surf shop) on railway parade. Take the train to Freo and stop at West Leederville, you can’t miss it as the shop is located straight in front of the train station! (opposite to Subi oval).

    Otherwise there’s always Starsurf on Murray street but I’m pretty sure they only sell brand new stuff…


    Hey thank’s dude ! I’m living at City west train station so just one station next.

    I’m gonna see their stuff.

    If someone else knows something about that, keep me posted !


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