14.4 C
15 septembre 2024

Lift Melbourne – Tasmanie (2 semaines)

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  • #86022

    Petit copié-collé de l’annonce postée sur Gumtree ! 🙂 ( Désolé il fait chaud aujourd’hui j’ai un pas la force de la reposter en français 😀 )

    Hey !

    We are 2 French guy (23 years old), we live in Melbourne at that time and we will leave the city the 27 january to spend 2 weeks in Tasmania, only for tourism !!
    We were student last year and we are in Australia for 1 year in WHV.

    We bought a 4×4 and we can bring 2 people with us.
    We are looking for open minded people who want take the time to discover this beautiful island, not stressed and who want to spend most of the time in the wild (walking, diving, etc..). We can also visit Obart and some others cities, but I prefer to precise it : it’s not our first destination.

    We will share the gas and food all together, because we think it’s more user-friendly like that. And the ticket for the car with the ferry (45$ per person to go and back).

    We have a lot of stuff with our car, like tents, chairs, so you just have to get our own sleeping bag.

    Anyway, we will visit a lot, maybe go out a little, but our first objective is too see as much as possible Tasmania. For that, we will move probably every day, but if we feel good in a place, we can stay a day more of course.. Our path is not totally fixed and we can discussed about thing to do too! 🙂

    Otherwise, we could take a coffee to meet us before and see if we have some affinities.

    Text me on 0474 473 549.
    See you !



    Coucou !!!! Je m’appelle Mahé ! Je suis francaise je vient d’arriver en australie ! votre road trip me plaie beaucoup mais je finit les cours le 1 fevrier il me semble ! donc es ce que vos date sont fixe ? sinon on pourrait se rencontrer ? Bon javais en envi de partir forcement avec des francais pour apprendre la langue mais si vous etent sociable on se ferra des copains en route et sa peut etre super sympa ! bis !
    Mon facebook: Mahé Mreau


    Désolé Mahé, on pars le 27 janvier, on à déjà booké le ferry.

    Après, je veux pas être méchant, mais séjourner avec quelques français te ferais peut être aussi un peu de bien. Je fais aussi des fautes, mais des « vous etent » quand même… 😉 😳

    Bon courage pour tes recherches.

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